Wellbeing Resilience Action Plan aka WRAP® for Schools


My mission is to ensure WRAP® is incorporated into the school curriculum as part of a wider movement to improve Ireland’s understanding and control of mental health. It is already in schools in America, Canada, the UK and many other countries. The WRAP approach focuses on wellness not illness; strengths not deficits; solutions not problems.

I got 30 (600) points in my Leaving Cert, the world was my oyster. At 20 I was hit with my first of many episodes of depression which finally lead to a diagnosis of bipolar when I was in my mid 30’s. This was when I was hospitalised for the first time. My eldest was only 7 months at the time so I was devastated to be away from her. Unfortunately my education did not prepare me for that or prevent it. It took a second hospitalisation in my late 30’s before I discovered WRAP®. This time I missed my daughter’s first day at school, my son’s second birthday and my only brother’s wedding. The pain was very hard to bare.

Like Bressie I feel very passionate that the young people in this country should be equipped with the right tools to build their resilience to cope with whatever triggers may come their way. Early intervention is key. As the saying goes a stitch in time saves nine.

WRAP® is based on 5 key concepts. It gave me Hope, the first key concept, that life could be different. I learnt about Personal Responsibility, the second key concept, which is the opposite of blame. Education is the third key concept. Our children deserve that. Self Advocacy, the fourth key concept, helped me to express my needs calmly so I can be heard. It also taught me about my rights.

After my first hospitalisation I was not encouraged to stay in contact with the many friends I had met there. I was alone and vulnerable again. Luckily we set up monthly WRAP® Peer Support meetings. I helped coordinate the meetings and for the first time met with like minded people once a month. This helped me deepen my understanding of WRAP. Support is the fifth and final key concept which is vital for my wellbeing. Peer support is particularly powerful as we automatically connect, empower and revitalise each other.

Wellness Tools are things I do which helps keep myself well e.g. the 5k alustforlife run in the Phoenix park recently. I love mindfulness minutes, my baths, listening to music, phoning a friend, playing the piano, dark chocolate, having a laugh with friends, trying not to judge and forgiving instead.

It is important I have a healthy Daily Maintenance Plan. A daily, weekly, monthly routine of eating healthily, good sleep hygiene, exercise, mindfulness, and mass. This gives me a good foundation so that when I am triggered I am as physically and emotionally strong as I can be. I also ask myself what am I like when I am well? It is important to know so I can recognise the signs when I am showing symptoms.

When Triggers come my way I need to check my list of wellness tools to see what action to take. I find exercise and prayer essential. Am I doing my daily maintenance plan? This will help me to get back to wellness instead of wasting time focusing on the trigger e.g. a bully. It also teaches me to avoid or at least limit my triggers. My triggers for my 5 episodes varied from; the tragic death of a summer romance on a J1 summer, the end of a 5 year relationship even though it was me who walked away, being bullied in the workplace, postpartum and finally the stress of my one year old son potentially needing an operation.

Sometimes I start seeing Early Warning Signs like sleep disturbance, eating unhealthily, irritability, anger. Again the important thing is to take action. I walk/run, phone a friend, journaling is a great release. A year and a half ago my father’s cancer returned after 8 years. There was an immanent operation and grandchild number 6 on the way, my brother’s wife was expecting. I was attending a creative writing course, suddenly I found myself waking at 5am in the morning writing my book. Of course I was delighted that I had found extra hours in my busy day to fulfill my new hobby that I was passionate about. On the lead up to Christmas I met up with two friends from college and laughed, good hearty belly laughs. We enjoyed the night so much I ended up out until 5am in the morning. My sleep returned to normal after that. Just what the doctor ordered.

When Things are Breaking Down is when my symptoms are getting worse like rapid weight loss, not being able to sleep and I need to take assertive action. This may include meditating several times a day, speaking to/emailing my doctor, taking medication, handing it over by lighting candles. My doctor’s advice has been to stay away from triggers and to not let two nights lack of sleep go by without doing something.
WRAP even plans for a Crisis, I have described ahead of time what I want and don’t want. So I still maintain control even in the event of a crisis. This is a time when I pray a lot.

After my hospitalisation’s it was a very difficult time. My confidence was shattered, relationships challenged. Post Crisis was a time when I needed support. I have expressed my needs e.g. support to take care of children.

Last year I trained to be a facilitator and am co-facilitating my first WRAP® course at the moment. I am really enjoying it and am gaining even a deeper understanding. Those attending the course were previously inpatients like I was but WRAP is also available to attend locally through organisation’s like Suicide or Survive. It is great to be offering it to people before they have a crisis. Wouldn’t it be brilliant if it was something they learned at school like learning to read, washing their hands, tying their shoelaces?

WRAP has had such a positive influence in my life that I am passionate about spreading the message. WRAP works for me but can also work for you whether you have bipolar, suffer from depression, have anxiety attacks or suicidal thoughts, diabetes, addictions, suffer from self harm or an eating disorder, cancer, or just meeting everyday challenges. The list is endless.

So please read the links and educate yourself about WRAP, we all can benefit. Meanwhile I will be working tirelessly with others until I see WRAP® in the classroom. It’s funny I am grateful in a way I have experienced what I have as it helps me understand and be better able to help others. Maybe someday my prayers will be answered and I might even get to finish my book.

WRAP® is evidence based. Research has proven it prevents hospitalisation’s so millions will be saved if we invest in prevention. Hopefully some politicians and key decision makers are reading this.

The activities involved in developing this plan help the person to focus on their strengths which gives them a strong sense of personal responsibility and empowerment (Copeland, 2002).

For further information on WRAP © (Wellness Recovery/*Wellbeing Resilience Action Plan) go to:


*the Australians renamed it Wellbeing Resilience with the founder Mary Ellen Copeland’s blessing. I think this would work nicely in schools instead of Wellness Recovery.

Support Our Campaign

We rely on the generosity of the public to fund our work and so far together we have achieved great things! Please do continue to support us so we can provide future generations in Ireland with the resources to recognise and talk about their emotions, and equip them to navigate the ever-changing world around them as they grow


Article by A Lust For Life Reader and WRAP Facilitator
A multi-award winning movement that uses content, campaigns and events to facilitate young people to be effective guardians of their own mind - and to be the leaders that drive our society towards a better future.