Barry Murphy – Part Mark-Making, Part Action-Painting

Who: Barry Murphy
Location: Belfast
What: Visual Art

I began painting two years ago as a last ‘try anything’ resort to help me cope with depression as I had been suffering for a couple of years and was going through a particularly tough period at the time.

It all started on the suggestion of my sister that I try adult colouring books funnily, I have never been creative, never painted, drew or anything of the sort as I always just believed it ‘wasn’t for me’, but I gave it a go and lo and behold, I loved it! After about a week I graduated from colouring books to creating my own drawings, and then finally took the plunge to buy some paints and in painting I found what works for me.

I would say my art is part mark making, part action painting. I find the process of putting paint on the canvas cathartic and it really allows me to focus my energies positively. There are different themes I try to integrate into my work but ultimately it is the process of creating the pieces itself that is of primary importance as it is in that time I am truly content.

Painting has probably been the single biggest contributor to me dealing with my issues and helping me cope with depression, through it I have found myself and my confidence again and it’s something I’m glad I found when I did.

Instagram: @basilbrushed

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Article by A Lust For Life - Irish Mental Health Charity
A multi-award winning movement that uses content, campaigns and events to facilitate young people to be effective guardians of their own mind - and to be the leaders that drive our society towards a better future.