Learning to unlock joy

You are amazing.

You might not believe that right now but I know deep down in my bones that you are. And also that you have the power to unlock all the joy you could ever imagine and more.

How do I know this?

Because I’ve done it – I’ve lived and breathed looking for joy my whole life. I spent a lot of time thinking it was in how my body looked, I dieted and exercised obsessively, but no joy came. I thought it came in pleasing everyone else, in trying to be who they wanted me to be, diluting myself & keeping them happy, but still no joy. Could it perhaps be in being the perfect Mum? No, that didn’t work either. Maybe if I tried to be in control of everything, every external event and possible outcome? Nope, instead all of these pursuits led to the opposite – to shame, anxiety, overwhelm, exhaustion, guilt, frustration. It got to the point that at times I would fantasise about being able to disappear.

So what changed I hear you ask? What sort of magical phenomenon did you discover? Did you have to travel the world to find the answers to creating a joy-filled life?

No. In fact it was all fairly simple – I’ll be the first to admit that simple doesn’t always mean easy but…

I began working on my relationship with myself and becoming my own best friend and that has brought more joy into my life than ever and it’s unlimited. Because when we show ourselves compassion and love, when we allow ourselves to be flawed, to fail, to mess up and still be kind to ourselves, when we stop caring what other people think about us and stop comparing our lives to others, then not only can we handle anything and everything that comes our way, but we can also spark a sort of magic power that enables us to create more and more of what we want.

We are with ourselves 24/7, through the highs, the lows, and the just a bit boring bits! We spend more time with ourselves than anyone else, so it makes sense that life will be a much nicer experience if we can be a friend to ourselves.

Is my life perfect? Definitely not. Perfect is a lie. I still have days when uncomfortable feelings come up. I still get frustrated (I have 4 kids!). I still can’t control external events and other people’s actions, but I now know that I have a choice and when I choose to be a friend to myself, joy is always available.

If I can do it I promise you can too.

Hannah Lilly x

I’ll be sharing the techniques that I use to instantly create more joy, overcome limiting beliefs, stay friends with myself and create a life I’m excited to live in the Kickstart Your Joy Journey Workshop more details on my Instagram and by following this link. You can also email me at hannahlillyjoyproject@hotmail.com

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Article by Hannah Lilly
Hannah Lilly "Joy Queen" is a Self-Development Coach & Speaker. Having overcome anxiety, depression and an eating disorder she shares with others how to build a positive relationship with themselves, reach their full potential and create a life they are excited to Iive. She has written about choosing joy for various publications including the Huffington Post & lives in Mullingar with her husband & 4 children. You can find out more about her work and how to sign up for her workshops on Instagram.