Find your light


‘There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in’
-Leonard Cohen-

This time of year can be the brightest yet the darkest of times for some. I guess it all comes down to your life positioning. You sometimes hear people complain about the dark, dreary and long ‘winterish’ evenings. Yes I admit they’re not the most ideal of circumstances but if we focus on darkness that is ultimately all of what we will get in return.

“However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. Where there’s life, there’s hope.”
-Stephen Hawking-

I have struggled throughout the winter season in the past. Whatever it was I can’t exactly pin point, but my anxiety tended to heighten during this seasonal time. Rather than mull in the darkness of a negative train of thought I started to try and find the tiniest crack of light to focus on. If only to alleviate the discomfort and unease that the anxiety brought upon me for even five minutes…that five minutes reprieve in the comfort and rest of hope and faith was worth it. It gave a sense of reassurance that it would be okay, that the feeling or struggle would pass in time. It put a stop sign to the mental chitter chatter that created the flood of feelings so to speak. Personally what I have started to do at this time of year; the peak of winter in particular is to try and bring in as much light into my life as is possible. That doesn’t mean I skip around carefree and humming along with the birds each day….I just look for something hopeful and pull from it when I need to.

Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness’.
-Desmond Tutu-

That light could stem from a candle, accepting a compliment or giving one, helping another, letting love in, sharing a smile with those you meet or pass, true enjoyment of a hobby, being thankful for all you do have right here and now. The light can be anything just reach for it. Start to focus on it and watch it grow.

‘If you can’t find light in the darkness, be the light in the darkness’

So light up those dark winter mornings and evenings. I started reflecting lately on all the different ways I could bring light into my home during winter. Create a cosy and comforting space out of your home. Make it warm, bright, inviting, safe and comforting for you and your senses. Use lamps, candles, fairy lights, natural fire light, and create your own sense of Hygge so to speak. For a long time even the simple act of lighting a candle has symbolised many a thing be it hope, remembrance, gratitude, prayer, peace, spirituality, or a source of comfort in times of distress even. Give it a go.

…You may think your light is small but it can make a big difference in other people’s lives. Let your light shine…

Let natural light into your home, leave up the blinds and let as much natural light in as is possible. If you live in an apartment or block type accommodation, make sure to get out in the natural daylight and get your fix of vitamin D. It is truly rewarding to get out in the natural day light because you are guaranteed to get inspiration from someone or something each time. If it happens to be the darkest of days either mentally or naturally for example you could find light in someone’s smile, people watching or a simple little scene even… you never know until you try it.

‘If light is in your heart, you will find your way home’

Turn to nature. My mum always speaks about the lovely light that’s naturally there, and it’s so true. Natural light in essence is stunning. There’s always a light in the evening sky and in particular I’ve started opting to go for my walks either really early in the morning or just as its becoming night, it’s the stunning array of glowing colours that stem from both dusk and dawn that appeal to me and just draw me in to be honest. When that can’t be found and in particular if it’s a dark dreary day, look up towards the nights sky…and even if the moon is covered over, you can still find a glimmer of light somewhere, be it from a lamp on the street, or a star or even an aeroplane. And on the cloudiest of days there is always a break in the cloud somewhere, you just need to look for the light, trust that it is there somewhere and when you find it, let it be your guide.

‘If you have no shadows then you’re not standing in the light’
-Lady Gaga-

These suggestions may sound slightly ambitious but I have been there and I know what the depths of darkness feel and look like and these are just some of the things I have tried to pull on, being inspired especially by mum’s love of light, nature and natural beauty. Even as I look up to the sky now, it’s cloudy everywhere, but there is light coming through, a subtle glow there and it’s just lovely to admire and take in.

I think we need to use the light as a compass in our lives when we’re finding it perhaps particularly challenging. And just let it lead you and guide you. Have faith and trust in it that it will lead you to where you want to be or go or comfort you when you might need it most. For now breathe. Let yourself be. Focus on something that will pull you through. Focus on a light that comforts or soothes you. Build on it. Go from there.

“Where there’s hope, there’s life. It fills us with fresh courage and makes us strong again.”
-Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl-

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Article by Marian Duggan
Hey I'm Marian. I hail from Tipp, the land of the blue and gold. I graduated from Mary I in 2012 with a joint degree: B.Ed in Education and Psychology. I'm currently working as a Primary school teacher in a lovely country school in Co. Tipperary, I feel blessed as I get to do something I'm really passionate about every day whilst working with incredibly brilliant young minds. I've always had a keen interest in the area of mental health, resilience and emotional wellbeing. For my undergraduate dissertation I researched the area of positive affirmations and how the whole process of engaging in such positive self-talk can indeed impact on one’s life and self-concept in a positive way. I'm SPHE coordinator in my school and hold responsibility for the layout of this curricular area in addition to all matters related to the Amber Flag; a movement that aims to promote positive mental health, wellbeing and the care there of in schools and workplaces. My hobbies centre around yoga, being outdoors and enjoying the company of my family and friends. Im an avid quote collector, I enjoy reading in the area of positive psychology and listening to a very eclectic range of music :) Instagram: @muireannnid