Mental Health

Teaching your kids that therapy is important

Teaching your kids that therapy is important

Mental health is every bit as important as physical health, and if we’re not ashamed to go see a doctor when we’re feeling physically unwell
Wellbeing at work

Wellbeing at work

With work related stress and health care costs on the rise in Ireland and elsewhere the need for investment in corporate wellness cannot be over stated. A 2018 study by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)
Problems don’t exist in the present

Problems don’t exist in the present

Do you ever dwell on past events, wishing you done things differently? Do you ever wish the weeks away, living only for weekends? Do you ever catch yourself daydreaming, wishing you were somewhere else?
Part 3: Anxiety and parent-child relationships

Part 3: Anxiety and parent-child relationships

As you can see from the title, today's blog is all about dealing with anxiety in a parental relationship. Of course, I can only talk about it in the perspective of the child
Why your mind is everything

Why your mind is everything

Last week, I celebrated a personal victory. I ran 7K. Now, I know how this will sound to someone who runs marathons. Piece of cake!
Dry January

Dry January

“I dedicated my latest book to Cocktail Girl, this persona I had created for myself as the magazine girl,” laughs Ruby Warrington, “but without the cocktails she doesn’t exist.”
“I can’t stop thinking!”

“I can’t stop thinking!”

What are you doing at this very moment in time? It's something we do every second of every day, but we sometimes take for granted. You are breathing. Chances are you've taken your attention towards your breath
Is thinking an evolutionary mistake?

Is thinking an evolutionary mistake?

Anthony de Mello was a Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, best-selling author, and spiritual teacher. His early life was dominated by rigid Christian beliefs, but over time, he began exploring Eastern traditions
Part 2: Anxiety and romantic relationships

Part 2: Anxiety and romantic relationships

Part 2 of the three-part series of blogs discussing anxiety and relationships. There might be some cross over in what I’m saying in this one and the last one
Grief Encounters: Jane McKenny of the LauraLynn Foundation

Grief Encounters: Jane McKenny of the LauraLynn Foundation

Jane McKenna is the founder of Ireland's only children's hospice, and The Laura Lynn Foundation, both named after her two children, Laura and Lynn
Finding meaning and direction in life

Finding meaning and direction in life

Do you ever feel lost, aimless, or a little confused, like you’re sailing through life without a rudder to guide you? If so, it’s likely that you’re not aligned with your values
Part 1: Anxiety and friendships

Part 1: Anxiety and friendships

I have decided that I want to start a three-part series discussing anxiety within three different relationships. These relationships will be friendships, romantic relationships and relationships with parents/kids
From microbes to attitude adjustment: alternative approaches to stress management

From microbes to attitude adjustment: alternative approaches to stress management

Stress is an integral component of modern life. Hans Selye, the father of modern stress theory once said that...
Grief Encounters: Parenting through grief, and Marco Pierre White on losing his mother

Grief Encounters: Parenting through grief, and Marco Pierre White on losing his mother

When a child experiences the death of a parent, the emotional trauma can be devastating
STOP beating yourself up

STOP beating yourself up

Would you speak to a friend the way in which you speak to yourself? A question that has been asked of me on numerous occasions. In essence I know that deep down my self talk wouldn't be the most compassionate
Mindfulness; My ticket back to life

Mindfulness; My ticket back to life

Have you ever questioned if what you are feeling is normal, what you are thinking is normal, what you do is normal, over and over? It can be fairly exhausting yet it becomes a habit, a habit you know isn’t quite right but you know no different
A smarter way to change unhelpful habits

A smarter way to change unhelpful habits

If I could just stop smoking…if I could stop eating junk food…if I could stop saying yes to the demands of everyone else…if I could just stop worrying
Supercharge your life energy

Supercharge your life energy

Energy is the true currency of life. The more you have, the more you ‘do’. I’m not just talking about physical energy. I’m talking about life energy
The healing power of the breath & the sea

The healing power of the breath & the sea

Its January 2019, Winter in Ireland, and yes, I am sea swimming in a swim suit. The journey of grief and loss has its place, and my journey is no more complicated
Grief Encounters: Gerry Collins – The Man Who Moved a Nation

Grief Encounters: Gerry Collins – The Man Who Moved a Nation

In early 2014 Gerry Collins’ moving words carried across the nation. This was due to his central role in the ads for the HSE’s QUIT campaign
The best January “detox” you can give yourself

The best January “detox” you can give yourself

With all the talk about rubbish ‘detoxes’ in January, Jennifer Coleman talks about detoxing from one of our biggest addictions this new year: social media
Finding your true self

Finding your true self

Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher and author of The Power of Now, widely regarded as one of the most influential spiritual books of our time. At the age of 29, he experienced a profound inner transformation
Letting go of those we’ve let go

Letting go of those we’ve let go

The choice we make about the people we spend our time with is a pretty important one. Nobody wants to live with regrets about a relationship that didn’t merit their. We may begin hoping that it contains all the ingredients
Dealing with negative people

Dealing with negative people

We are naturally drawn towards negativity. That’s why you’re standing here today. We evolved a bias towards negativity in order to survive
Surviving bad times with an open heart

Surviving bad times with an open heart

In the UK three out of 4 people have been so stressed at least once over the last year that they have felt overwhelmed, or unable to cope
Why Darwin wants you to meditate: An evolutionary understanding of the human brain and meditation

Why Darwin wants you to meditate: An evolutionary understanding of the human brain and meditation

In many ways, humans have won the battle versus nature. We aren’t yet immortal
Grief Encounters: Taking Action in Grief

Grief Encounters: Taking Action in Grief

Grief Encounters is a weekly podcast series that looks at an issue that affects us all and yet remains so difficult to talk about: grief. Hosted by Venetia Quick and Sasha Hamrogue
A comfort zone is not always a bad thing

A comfort zone is not always a bad thing

‘A ship is always safe at the shore, but that is not what it is built for’, according to Albert Einstein. ‘Old ways won’t open new doors’ according to someone else
Facing life living with a disability

Facing life living with a disability

Living with disability can be tough. Life is made a hundred times more difficult. The things you could do, you can’t do (or can’t do as easily). It’s tough but not the end of the world. If life gives you lemons, make some lemonade
Why you should start a memory jar this new year

Why you should start a memory jar this new year

It’s easy to look back on a year and think “well that was bad”. Some times a year was just harder than others have been
New Year’s Resolutions: change is optional

New Year’s Resolutions: change is optional

We have just celebrated Christmas, some people were filled with joy and excitement, while others may have struggled for one reason or another and are glad it’s over
Help your child take a stand against bullying

Help your child take a stand against bullying

According to, one in four school-aged children report that they have been the victim of bullying in the past
Lifting someone’s day with a random act of kindness

Lifting someone’s day with a random act of kindness

I recently walked up to the counter of my local coffee shop and the barista was beaming. She handed me a note which said: “thank you for earlier Brian, this one’s on me.”
Anxious, stressed, depressed? You’re not alone!

Anxious, stressed, depressed? You’re not alone!

Having struggled with anxiety for many years, I now know two things for certain: Talking about it helps - a lot! Lots of people are struggling with mental health issues
Avoiding family arguments at Christmas

Avoiding family arguments at Christmas

Ivor Browne, the eminent Irish psychiatrist’s autobiography, ‘Music and Madness’ contains an Introduction
Turning a negative into a positive

Turning a negative into a positive

Focus on growth and progress. I’m one of the happiest people I know. But I’m not supposed to be happy, not by normal standards anyway. I’m not rich
Are we looking after our teenagers?

Are we looking after our teenagers?

I came out about my own mental health struggles years after going through the education system. I was a good enough student in school, maybe not naturally as smart as other people in my year but I knew I wanted to be a teacher
Methods to sidestep anxiety

Methods to sidestep anxiety

I’ve read far and wide on tactics to overcome anxiety. This includes books, blogs, my PhD research, and my life coaching practice
“The loss of my daughter’s life is obviously beyond tragic. But it has allowed others to live”

“The loss of my daughter’s life is obviously beyond tragic. But it has allowed others to live”

The story of Bill Conner of Madison, Wisconsin is not one that would automatically bring gratitude to mind
Managing mental health in work

Managing mental health in work

I dreamed of connecting with a wider community through writing for A Lust For Life on previous occasions, and this is my third article on the site! Why did I want to connect? Because my experience of bipolar disorder
You have three choices in EVERY situation – one of them is ALWAYS wrong

You have three choices in EVERY situation – one of them is ALWAYS wrong

Life is full of challenges, but problems only exist in our mind
My recipe for self-love and self-care

My recipe for self-love and self-care

When people think of self-love and self-care they might wonder why it’s such a vital part of wellness. People embark on their own journey and along the way they discover key ingredients that help them
Grief in the classroom

Grief in the classroom

- Storing Memories is a Way of Holding On. The Happy Sad Box Reminds Us that our Lives are a Gift to be Treasured - it is our Memories that keep us strong, resilient and hopeful even on our darkest day
Don’t give up on me – a silent cry from the heart

Don’t give up on me – a silent cry from the heart

Seeing this beautiful quote from Beau pulled at my heart strings as not only had I been the wounded beast, but also have faced the wounded beast within my own circle
How can sleep pattern affect our mental health?

How can sleep pattern affect our mental health?

This month’s article regarding sleep patterns and how it can affect our mental health particularly resonates with us as we both have young children and like many of you out there
Mindfulness in two minutes

Mindfulness in two minutes

The art of simply noticing. Mindfulness is often defined as “the awareness that arises by paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.”
The power of nature

The power of nature

Nature is a powerful form of therapy and healing in and of itself, and it seems that we have forgotten the restorative power that it holds and always offers without asking for anything in return
How to protect your mental health at winter

How to protect your mental health at winter

As the days become darker and shorter many of us can end up feeling our mood reflects the gloomier days, our tempers are shorter and the light has gone from our step
“And another one bites the dust…oh why can I not conquer love?”

“And another one bites the dust…oh why can I not conquer love?”

I’m sitting in work on a Friday, listening to Sia’s Elastic Heart as it plays on the radio, my own heart thudding in my chest as I re – read my girlfriend’s Whats App texts
Embracing change

Embracing change

As the autumn leaves line the floor of the forest, gently and silently falling from the towering trees above me, it reminds me like the seasons, all things change. I stand for a few moments to take in their beauty and magnificence
You cannot change anyone – This is why

You cannot change anyone – This is why

We all have people in our lives that cause us distress. It might be an alcoholic parent, a partner with depression, a tearaway sibling, or someone that you care for
What is stress?

What is stress?

The MentalHealthGuys, both of us being 30+ with several young children, and having bought property during the boom times only to realise negative equity in more recent year, we’ve had our fair share of stress
Life is simple if you follow these steps

Life is simple if you follow these steps

Life is full of challenges. I’m not denying that — I’ve had my fair share — but life can be simple if you introduce principles into your daily routine
What it’s like to die before you die

What it’s like to die before you die

Fifteen years of addiction had taken a climactic hold. I lost my job, my mind, every important relationship in my life, and my body was rapidly deteriorating. I finally decided that I needed help
Hands up if you’ve ever been late: Self-compassion and your brain

Hands up if you’ve ever been late: Self-compassion and your brain

Have you ever been late for anything, perhaps even in the last six months? When you were late, did you give yourself a break for it
Recommended reading from A Lust for Life on World Mental Health Day

Recommended reading from A Lust for Life on World Mental Health Day

Today marks World Mental Health Day. Thousands of organisations and people all over the world are holding events, talks, running campaigns and making lots of noise
Mindful Living…. The key to survival in the midst of chaos?

Mindful Living…. The key to survival in the midst of chaos?

The modern world is switched on 24/7. External distraction, busyness and noise are the norm these days. Internally it can also be the same way
Mindful minutes followed by mindless hours

Mindful minutes followed by mindless hours

Along the spectrum of ‘inner development’ seekers, spiritual enlightenment can often be met with a plethora of challenges. Semantics being one of them…
Why we can’t explain the world through language

Why we can’t explain the world through language

Ludwig Wittgenstein was a genius, and one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century. Born into one of Europe’s richest families, he initially sought out
Are our young people living in a world of uncertainty?

Are our young people living in a world of uncertainty?

This year's theme for World Mental Health Day on October 10th is ‘Young People and Mental Health in a Changing World’ and the National launch of Mental Health Week
Mindfulness and your brain

Mindfulness and your brain

I am often asked for advice from undergraduates about what career path they should take after their degree, and am always delighted when they express an interest in neuroscience
Cutting through the bullsh*t in a frantic modern world

Cutting through the bullsh*t in a frantic modern world

Tim Ferriss is a highly successful author, podcaster, entrepreneur and investor. He has written five #1 New York Times bestselling books, and the success of his podcast
The power of Manifesting Through Presence

The power of Manifesting Through Presence

Where you put your attention will flourish and where you take your attention away from will wither. Before you start reading – take 30 seconds to try this simple experiment now
How would really knowing you matter change how you think about yourself?

How would really knowing you matter change how you think about yourself?

What if You Matter without the hair and make-up, without the ripped muscles and toned body, without the job title
Conquer your fears by mastering your self-talk

Conquer your fears by mastering your self-talk

I suffered with chronic anxiety for most of my adult life. The physical sensations of which were focused around my chest. Fully supported by an overactive mind
Reminding teenagers to spend time on self-care

Reminding teenagers to spend time on self-care

It was a Sunday evening when my sixteen-year-old daughter had the worst meltdown I had seen from her since she had been a toddler
“I finally found something that calms me down”   If you think you can’t draw or meditate, there’s another way you can approach mindful practice

“I finally found something that calms me down” If you think you can’t draw or...

Zentangle is the mindful drawing of repetitive patterns that create fun & beautiful images
Does every cloud really have a silver lining?

Does every cloud really have a silver lining?

The cliché, ‘Every cloud had a silver lining’ can come across as somewhat annoying and condescending, especially when you are in the middle of a crisis
Cleaning as therapy? On Instagram, it is….

Cleaning as therapy? On Instagram, it is….

Everyone’s suddenly cleaning on Instagram! In the last few weeks, 3 ladies and their cleaning routines, tips and advice have taken the online platform by storm
Questioning matters

Questioning matters

Every day we can feel bombarded with actions and opinions that are different from our own. We can feel like the stories others are sharing make us feel uneasy. We cannot control everyone else
Helping teenagers tap into their passions and potential

Helping teenagers tap into their passions and potential

The teen years are stressful, and the pressure to appear perfect has only become greater as most teens are heavily involved in social media
Your how-to guide to ‘not meditating’

Your how-to guide to ‘not meditating’

It’s a well-known fact that meditation is a great way to relieve stress, and is recommended widely by mental health professionals to help relieve anxiety, stress, depression
Setting the world on fire

Setting the world on fire

Take a moment to light a fire with me. All it takes is a single spark. While fire has its many dangers, its uses far outweigh its risks. A good fire warms us, lights the way and makes the darkness bearable
Starting college with social anxiety disorder

Starting college with social anxiety disorder

This time of year, students are receiving offers to go to college - which should signify a new phase of their lives. Unfortunately for young adults with social anxiety disorder
Gratitude attitude

Gratitude attitude

Gratitude deserves our attention. Without gratitude for what we have, it is virtually impossible to truly cultivate peace of mind, contentment and happiness. The word gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratia, which means grace
Positive neuroplasticity and mindfulness, A four week challenge (Adapted from Dr Rick Hanson)

Positive neuroplasticity and mindfulness, A four week challenge (Adapted from Dr Rick Hanson)

I had the pleasure of training with Dr Rick Hanson last year, a neuroplasticity expert
To our Good Health – drinking wisely as we age

To our Good Health – drinking wisely as we age

“I started drinking more when my husband died.” “I found I was bored when I retired and started drinking to while away the hours.”
16 ways to feel insanely energetic, happy, and carefree

16 ways to feel insanely energetic, happy, and carefree

Do you want to feel insanely energetic, inspired, happy, and carefree? It is possible, but you must act, and you must be consistent
How to Mind Yourself, with Kate Malley

How to Mind Yourself, with Kate Malley

In the seventh part of our series on ‘How to Mind Yourself’, A Lust for Life writer Kate Malley talks about how she takes care of her mental health. My meaning of self-care is looking after both your physical and mental health
Explaining mental illness to a child

Explaining mental illness to a child

Young children just don’t understand depression or anxiety like we adults do. As a result, it can be difficult to find the words to talk to your kids. Many parents or caregivers decide not to bring it up
Helping your child navigate childhood with non-confrontational communication

Helping your child navigate childhood with non-confrontational communication

I recently read the worrying DCU survey on primary school students in Ireland. It shows that Mental health issues are a real problem among younger children
On self-acceptance and learning to live with your inner monsters

On self-acceptance and learning to live with your inner monsters

Have you ever been caught in the self-loathing spinning wheel when you allowed everything unfavourable you believed about yourself to come up to the surface
Why, when, and how to say ‘No’

Why, when, and how to say ‘No’

“It’s only by saying no that you can concentrate on what’s important.” – Steve Jobs. Saying no is one of the most important tools in your locker. This might sound a bit cold, so here is a list to persuade you otherwise
How to Mind Yourself, with the Self Care Sundays Podcast Team

How to Mind Yourself, with the Self Care Sundays Podcast Team

In the sixth part of our series on ‘How to Mind Yourself’, the Self Care Sundays Podcast Team talk about how they take care of their mental health
Tackling loneliness

Tackling loneliness

You may have heard that earlier this year a Loneliness Taskforce was set up by Senator Keith Swanick in collaboration with Seán Moynihan of ALONE to coordinate Ireland’s response to loneliness and social isolation
Living an authentic life – The surprisingly powerful element

Living an authentic life – The surprisingly powerful element

A couple years ago I introduced what I call a new bill of rights for people who are still hiding their authenticity. Whether that’s because they’re not yet sure
How to Mind Yourself, with David Foot

How to Mind Yourself, with David Foot

In the fifth part of our series on ‘How to Mind Yourself’, we asked counsellor and psychotherapist David Foot about how he takes care of himself and his mental health. David, what does self-care mean to you?
Change your habits, change your life

Change your habits, change your life

Negative people like to complain and criticise. Anxious people are prone to worry. Positive people are optimistic. And healthy people tend to be health conscious. Our defining characteristics are not set in stone however
The danger of a fixed mindset

The danger of a fixed mindset

There’s a well-established reason why some people tend to be extremely successful in life while others can barely make the ends meet while dealing with negative emotions along the way
How to step outside your comfort zone

How to step outside your comfort zone

You know the routine. You get up in the morning, drag yourself out of bed, get the kids up and dressed and send them off to school. Then you get yourself together and go about your day
A Lust For Life | Mental Health Charity Ireland
A Lust for Life does not provide crisis support, so if you or someone you are concerned about is in crisis and needs help urgently, please contact:
Pieta House
1800 247 247
116 123 (ROI & UK)
1800 666666
A Lust For Life | Mental Health Charity Ireland
A Lust for Life does not provide crisis support, so if you or someone you are concerned about is in crisis and needs help urgently, please contact
Pieta House
1800 247 247
116 123 (ROI & UK)
1800 666666
Howaya! We hope you’re enjoying A Lust for Life.
While you are here… can we ask you a favour?
We know, pop ups are absolutely no craic. But seeing as you are here anyway, which means you must be a sound head, we thought we’d tap you on the shoulder and ask for your help.
Make a one-time or regular donation
We rely on the generosity of the public to fund our work and so far together we have achieved great things! Please do continue to support us so we can provide future generations in Ireland with the resources to recognise and talk about their emotions, and equip them to navigate the ever-changing world around them as they grow.
Howaya! We hope you’re enjoying A Lust for Life. While you are here… can we ask you a favour?
We know, we know, pop ups are absolutely no craic. But seeing as you are here anyway, which means you must be a sound head, we thought we’d tap you on the shoulder and ask for your help.
We rely on the generosity of the public to fund our work and so far together we have achieved great things! Please do continue to support us so we can provide future generations in Ireland with the resources to recognise and talk about their emotions, and equip them to navigate the ever-changing world around them as they grow.
Make a one-time or regular donation