Week3: Gathering Momentum

Trying too hard too soon can take away from the enjoyment and if you don’t enjoy it then it lessens your chances of sticking with the plan. Momentum must be built slowly and gradually and if it feels too hard then chances are it is too hard and the solution is to take a small step back and slow it down. Be patient about increasing your speed and distance covered and make sure to always train at the level your fitness is at now rather than where you think it is or want it to be. Consistency is also very important and once the routine is established you should do your best to maintain it by sticking with your plan. If you can easily get away from the house for 20-40 minutes then you should make the most of that time and this is where training for time rather than distance becomes an advantage. A Kilometre is always a Kilometre and 10 minutes is always 10 minutes but as you get fitter and stronger then the time required to cover a Kilometre will get less so ideally you should be using those minutes saved to run further and this in turn gets you fitter.

Note: Distances in Metres / Kilometres.

5K Beginner – Finisher
  • Day 1: 5 Min Brisk Walk. (90 secs Run / 60 secs walk, Repeat for 20 mins). Walk to finish
  • Day 2: Rest
  • Day 3: 5 Min Brisk Walk. (90 secs Run / 60 secs walk, Repeat for 20 mins). Walk to finish
  • Day 4: 5 Min Brisk Walk. (90 secs Run / 60 secs walk, Repeat for 20 mins). Walk to finish
  • Day 5: Rest
  • Day 6: Rest
  • Day 7: Rest or Active Recovery. Cycle / Swim / Brisk Walk.
5K Intermediate – Targetting 25-35 Mins
  • Day 1: 20-30 Min Easy
  • Day 2: Rest
  • Day 3: 20-30 Min Easy
  • Day 4: 20-35 Min Easy
  • Day 5: Rest
  • Day 6: 10 Min Easy. 20-30 Min Fartlek, 10 Min Easy
  • Day 7: 20-30 Min Easy
10K Beginner – Finisher
  • Day 1: Run at conversational pace for 20-25 Mins.
  • Day 2: Rest
  • Day 3: Run / Walk at conversational pace for 20-25 Mins. Mostly Run
  • Day 4: Fartlek / Speedplay. 5 Min easy run followed by ( 1 min fast, 1 min easy* 10-15 times) 5 min easy run to cool down.
  • Day 5: Rest
  • Day 6: Rest or Active Recovery. Cycle / Swim / Brisk Walk.
  • Day 7: Run for 30-35 Mins. Out and back route. Run out for 20 and return for 15. Walk to finish.
10K Intermediate – Targetting 45-60 mins
  • Day 1: 8-10K  Easy
  • Day 2: Rest
  • Day 3: 10 Min Easy, 4 *1Km @ 5K Pace from TT, 1 min jog  Recovery between reps. 10 Min Cool down
  • Day 4: 6-8K or 40 mins Easy
  • Day 5: Rest
  • Day 6:  Tempo Run. (10 mins easy pace followed by 15-20 mins Steady Pace and 10 mins cool down)
  • Day 7: 40-50 Min Easy
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Article by John O’Regan
Irish International Ultra Runner with 10 International appearances at 100K, 24-hrs and Ultra Trail. He has run marathons and ultra-marathons on seven continents plus the North Pole and is also 3 times National 24-hr Champion. To keep up with John you can follow him on Twitter @johnoregan777.