Epigenetics and the subconscious mind


In addition to the wonders that neuroscience has contributed to illustrate human kind’s ability to choose how we wish to think, feel and behave, there is also a growing body of scientific research into the area of epigenetics. Epigenetics is the study of genes and the word “epi” comes from Greek, meaning “above”, so in this case, a force that is above our genes.

This science shows that our genes are NOT pre-determined but are, in fact, formed by external or environmental factors such as diet, stress and our connection to others. Bruce Lipton, a leading cellular biologist and author of ‘The Biology of Belief’, has uncovered incredible evidence to show that our beliefs literally create our reality at a cellular level. Lipton says that: ”Belief controls biology”. He also states that simply being told to ‘think positive’ does not work as most of our brain power is actually subconscious.

Like many, you may be aware of the placebo effect and how many people get better by simply believing that they are receiving medication to help their condition when the drug is actually just a sugar pill. Epigenetics takes the placebo effect to another level and explores the ‘nacebo’ effect. This refers to people who have a history of illness in their families, whether mental or physical. For example, a person with a belief that they will end up with mental health issues such as their mother or father had, can start to create the genes that lead to the illness, simply by holding the belief that this is their fate.

Becoming aware of and understanding and exploring your belief systems can play an integral role in your ability to go beyond surviving to actually thriving. The key to unlocking many negative thought patterns that may no longer be serving you lies in identifying your own belief systems. The idea is not about dwelling on the past, ruminating, giving into victim mentality or blaming your parents for any intentional or unintentional mistakes they may have inevitably made. This process is more akin to that of a detective who uncovers evidence to help solve a mystery. Insight gained allows you to become a mature, emotionally intelligent adult who is able to cope with all of life’s challenges.

Understanding the mechanisms of your own mind is empowering. Someone who learnt as a child that making mistakes was a sign of weakness and something to be ashamed of will often carry the same belief with them into adulthood and suffer greatly every time something goes wrong or they make a mistake. Perhaps as a child they were scolded when they made a mistake and this critical voice has remained with them. As a result, they may eternally search for perfection and put very high expectations on themselves and their loved ones. We all know that there is no such thing as perfect! To my mind, perfection is to be found in the acceptance of living in an imperfect world.

The work that I do with my clients is self-empowering for them since it works on a subconscious level. This is the part of our mind that we need to access in order to make a permanent shift. Hypnotherapy quietens the conscious mind so that it is open to positive suggestions. Anyone who practices meditation will recognise that when your thoughts slow down you feel much calmer more focussed and content. Hypnotherapy is the ability to step into the spaces between your thoughts and programme your mind for whatever changes you wish to make. Establishing and maintaining a focussed awareness is an incredible therapeutic tool that allows clients to experience positive change at a deep level.

For a person who is suffering with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem or simply caught in a negative loop, telling them to ‘relax’, ‘’cheer-up’ or to ‘try to be more positive’ can have the opposite effect. These, perhaps well-intentioned remarks, can leave a person feeling even more desperate as they struggle to do just that. However, the same suggestions given to the subconscious mind can be more readily accepted because the conscious mind, which represents the critical factor, is taking a much needed break.

The revolutionary scientific theories of neuroplasticity (the brains ability to re-wire itself) and epigenetics confirm that information really is power in that it gives you the edge to make positive decisions to live as your best self.   Our generation, for the first time in history, can now dispel the commonly held beliefs that we are victims of our genetic coding. The power of meditation and hypnosis alongside the education of neuroscience empowers you to reach your full potential, to choose your destiny, to find your unique path and purpose, to share positive energy with those whom you love and above all, to live a peaceful existence.

For more information on Fiona’s work, check out thepositivehabit.com

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Article by Fiona Brennan
Fiona Brennan is a Clinical Hypnotherapist with a booked out clinic in Dublin. Every day she has the honour of helping people who are struggling with anxiety, stress and their sense of self-worth. She is a TEDx Mindfulness, and NLP practitioner, Mental Health expert on Today FM, the Dermot & Dave show. Building on her success, in 2016 she launched her online, five-star rated, hypnotherapy program which now helps people all over the world. Her first book is the best-selling 'The Positive Habit' is published by Ireland's leading non-fiction publishers Gill Books. Fiona is currently writing her second book, which is all about Love and it will be published early next year. For more information visit Thepositivehabit.com