Meditation for the ego


We all have feelings and emotions running around our bodies all day. Sometimes, it is helpful to check in with yourself and see how many of your emotions are positive and how many are negative

If we let those negative emotions run riot, it can create angry minds and tense bodies. As humans it is natural to feel jealousy, attachment, worries, fear or ignorance. We don’t want to hold onto these feelings as they won`t contribute to our positive outlook and our overall well-being.

We were all born with a natural ability to love and a pureness that we see the good in everyone. This is our natural state of being. This is where the real true you lies. We want to try and dissolve our egos and those negative feelings towards ourselves and other people in order to feel free. Your ego is your conscious mind, the part of you that you consider your “self.” The negative ego will find reasons for you to be unhappy and it will cling to desires or always wanting more. When we desire or want something, it is completely natural but it is allowing it to become a reason to be unhappy.

Imagine you really want a new phone or a new car, that’s perfectly fine but if you start to feel really sad or angry that you don’t have it and become jealous of other people that do, it becomes a problem. Wallowing in the desire and letting it to take over means you are missing life pass by. If you do this a few times a day, every day, every year, imagine all the life that is happening that you are missing out on.

If you feel jealous of someone that does have what you consider more than you, the real you would be selfless and know that this is a moment to celebrate their life and success, while the ego looks on with jealousy and is not happy for them. This can destroy relationships and can destroy your outlook on life and maybe start to affect your health.  The ego can destroy beautiful pure hearts. So we try to keep ourselves in check, always take the opportunity to let the real pure you shine out. You will then attract better relationships and better energy in your life. Using mantras can help lead to transformation.

Mantras are sounds or words that can have great psychological or spiritual power or impact on your life. Mantras originate in the philosophy of Hinduism and of Buddhism. Mantra is a Sanskrit word, Man translates as thought and tra translates as instrument, so Mantra translates as instrument of thought. Whether you are deeply spiritual or not, basic psychology tells us that thoughts can create and shift our mindset. Whatever you feel you need in your life, you can create a mantra for it to create focus and bring change into your life.

These are some mantras you can repeat to yourself, during meditation or any time during the day that you feel jealousy or fear taking over. Sit with your eyes closed and take some big slow deep breaths. You can breathe in and out through your nose or in through your nose and let a big sigh out of your mouth on the exhale. Pick a mantra that works for you and focus on the words in that mantra. Pick something that really sticks with you. Repeat it in your mind and sit with it for a while. Perhaps then, when you feel some negative emotions creeping up during the day you can repeat it to yourself.  Here are some samples that might work for you, or have fun coming up with your own one.

“I let go of worries or emotions that drain me”

Here you can give yourself a chance to let go of any worries and emotions that are clogging up your mind and fogging your heart, you can acknowledge them and let them go. Don’t allow the ego to attach to those negative thoughts or feelings. You have too much to give and holding on to these emotions will only get in your way.

“I am pure, honest and full of love”

Take off the mask that you`re wearing, be your true self, be who you really are without the fear of judgement. When we speak and act what we really feel, life is so much easier. Always come from a place of love.

“My heart is open and my mind is clear”

This will remind you to let go of anything that is distracting you from feeling anything but positive. You can let go of judgement. Your heart is open and can see the goodness in everyone and your mind is clear and focused.

“I am enough and I get better everyday”

Stop comparing yourself with others, the energy that you waste comparing yourself would be better used on giving yourself positive feedback and working towards being the best version of yourself. Put your energy into making steps to improve yourself and your life. Moving forward every day.

Practice in the morning when you wake up, during the day when you are on call-waiting for your car insurance or last thing at night when you are closing your eyes to sleep.

Create a positive mantra that suits you, your life and what you need. Positive thoughts create positive actions that will create positive change.

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Article by Sinéad McKiernan
Founder of Love Yoga and offers Hatha Yoga classes, retreats and workshops throughout Galway, Ireland, and internationally. She studied Yoga Teaching in India and welcomes all ages and levels to her classes. For more information go to or find her on Instagram and Twitter @sineadloveyoga