‘Connect to your core’ yoga session


The core of our body can be an area where we can hold anxiety and stress. The initial reaction to a situation can be felt in our core first. Our gut instinct or gut feeling is often the key to knowing what is right or wrong for us so it is important for us to cultivate a healthy relationship with our core.

Yoga is excellent for building flexibility within the body but it is important to remember that while a lot of us want to be more flexible, we also need to build strength. This seventeen minute ‘yoga for your core’ video will help you wake up your gut, build strength in your body and work your flexibility. Yoga is about creating a relationship between the physical, mental and emotional bodies within us. Be aware of the reactions of your mind and emotions as you move through the physical practice.

You can do more yoga with Aoife here or check out her classes in Dublin and around Ireland here

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Article by Aoife Kane
Spirit seeker, transformation addict and lover of life, Aoife has been on a path to healing for over ten years. Based in Dublin she is a Yoga Instructor, Healer, Retreat Leader and Life Coach. When she isn’t on her yoga mat you’ll find her surfing on the west coast, reflecting on her monthly musings blog or jumping on a plane for adventures abroad. Find Aoife on Twitter @aoifekaneyoga, Instagram @aoifekaneyoga and her website is aoifekane.com.