The Power of Running


Here is an article from one of my favourite websites outlining how running and physical health in general can have massive benefits on your mental health.

The benefits of running and exercise on mental health.

One thing I must advise with running is to be very careful with injury. Injury is very common with amateur runners for a number of reasons.

It can be hard on the joints and is quite a high impact exercise.

A way of counteracting this is to start slowly. Do not try to go out and do a 10 km run for your first attempt. There is no rush and it’s all about frequency. Do 2 or 3 runs a week but make sure you could hold a conversation while running or else you are doing it too quickly and putting body under too much pressure.

Look to build your stamina slowly and it’s also incredibly important to warm up and warm down while running. This is boring as hell but massively important and a very good habit to get into if getting into running. Take it very very handy for first 10 minutes then pick up pace slightly and for the last 5 minutes slow down to almost walking pace.

Also, download a running app that can help give you exercises that will help straighten the muscles you use for running. Your glutes and lower ab muscles will become your best mate while running and I strongly recommend doing these exercises consistently to build up the running muscles. They will protect you from injury and help you maintain good form. These exercises can take under five minutes a day so try and do them every day.

Stretching is another rather monotonous task but is essential for runners. You must keep the hips, lower back and pelvis area as loose and flexible as possible. Knee injuries and shin splints are the most common runner injuries and they generally are as a result of poor flexibility and mobility in the hips, the ITB which runs down the side of the upper leg and poor calf and ankle flexibility. Try use stretching as a form of meditation. If sitting watching Emmerdale or some other show that requires very little brain use, lie on floor and stretch out.

Here is a great app to try: Strong Runner App

Also another great app to track your runs and very easy to use is Nike+ Running GPS App

Tracking your runs are a great way to monitor your progress and keep them documented so you can start to learn more about your running style.

There is no doubt that running is simply one of the best things you can do to stop your mind racing and downloading information and thoughts. We all know the feeling we get when thoughts start rampaging around our brain and they can at times have very negative effects. For example, if you are studying for exams you should sincerely build a running plan into your study strategy. It will help you control your stress and also help maintain focus.

Start slow, I promise your progress will come but don’t rush or you will pick up injury. After a while you can test yourself, a 10 k, a half marathon, a marathon, who knows?

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Article by Niall Breslin
A retired professional rugby and inter county football player, a multi-platinum selling song writer and music producer, public speaker and documentary maker who comes from the midlands town of Mullingar in Co. Westmeath. Co-Founder of A Lust For Life.