Tired but wired? Let’s wake up to the importance of sleep


Getting good quality sleep (7 -8 hours ideally) makes the other 16 so much easier. Good sleep is of major benefit to your physical and mental health as well as to your alertness and clear thinking during the working day.

Your inner body clock – circadian rhythm – works on a 24 hour day/night cycle. It has a huge influence on the timing and quality of our sleep. Keeping your circadian rhythm regular will have a positive effect on your sleep and energy levels.

Who doesn’t want to wake up fresh, rested and eager for the coming day? Here are some tips for a restful and healthy sleep:
  • Make your bedroom a clean, calm and comfortable place to be
  • Keep mobile technology mobile phones, laptops, iPad’s out of the room of rest. Neuro scientists have shown how the blue light on these devises can interfere with good quality restful sleep.
  • Go to bed at a regular time, avoid daytime naps, especially after 3pm. Power naps between 1-3 pm for 90mins max are okay.
  • Establish regular / routine times for activities such as meal times, exercise, decompression, clearing the mind. Walking is good for calming the mind, mindfulness is good too.
  • Keep stress in check, daily exercise routines will help enormously
  • Get fresh air and full spectrum natural light during the day
  • Practice the habit of an unhurried and quiet ‘getting ready for bed’ routine as this gradually slows your metabolism and prepares your system for rest
  • Drink hot milky drinks (with or without honey) or warm water as these have a calming effect on the body
Some don’ts…try to avoid, cut out or cut down….you decide
  1. Tired but wired……your technology may be exhausting you…. Give it a rest!
  2. Avoid sugary drinks, tea, coffee or fizzy drinks within 4-5 hours of bedtime as these may keep you awake
  3. Avoid watching TV, listening to the radio, smoking, eating or drinking in bed
  4. Avoid work or studying in bed, especially at times when you need to rest or sleep
  5. Do not spend hours tossing and turning in bed. If you cannot sleep, try relaxation and letting go until you feel sleepy again. If this does not work, it is best to get up and distract yourself for a while, and then return to bed.
  6. Try not to use medication to help you sleep. In the long run it will only throw your body rhythm off its natural timing and sleep medication can be very addictive.
  7. Alcohol does not help sleeplessness, as it will only make you feel ‘unslept’
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Article by Dr. Margaret O’Rourke
A practicing forensic and clinical psychologist, researcher and medical educator. She has worked on a number of high impact public safety, child protection, mental health and wellbeing programmes in the UK, USA and Canada.