A Lust For Life

One Kind Word

To highlight and support ‘Anti-Bullying Week 2021: One Kind Word’, we reached out to some of our wonderful young people here at A Lust For Life and asked them “What ‘one kind word’ would you say to yourself or to a loved one that may be going through a tough time?”.

The following video is a beautiful reminder that you are not alone, there is always someone wanting to be there for you, and that things will always get better.

Show this to the young person in your life today, whether they are going through a tough time or not, this video will give you hope in a time where it is so desperately needed.

It doesn’t matter who you are, we’ve all got it. We’ve all got mental health. And although you may feel alone, we are all in this together. And together, is a wonderful place to be.

A massive thank you to everyone who contributed to this video – you are all inspirations to us here at A Lust For Life and we are so grateful to have you in our Tribe. (Legends!!)