A Lust For Life

Starting college with social anxiety disorder

This time of year, students are receiving offers to go to college – which should signify a new phase of their lives. Unfortunately for young adults with social anxiety disorder it does not disappear just because they are starting college, and often it can get worse if not addressed.

All too often people will say things like “ah they are just shy and college will change that”, “sure everyone that goes to college makes friends automatically” or worse still “when you go out drinking you will feel better and make friends”. These are not the words of people that know what it is like to live with social anxiety.

If you or someone you know is thinking of starting college this year, we have provided some practical tips below which should help you on your journey to having a happier, more productive and less anxious college experience. These tips also apply to people that have started college already and may be returning after the summer holidays.

Step Out Ireland is a charity that supports adults with social anxiety through their support groups and innovative recovery program. All their services are run by people with lived experience of social anxiety disorder and more information can be found at stepoutireland.com