A Lust For Life

Do you have a fear of being late?

Do you have a fear of being late? If so, do you often arrive early for appointments, or on the flip side, are you always rushing from A to B and stumbling into meetings late? There are various deeper psychological factors at play when it comes to our relationship with time:

  1. Fear of letting people down by being late.
  2. Self-esteem issues – if you give yourself a hard time over being late this can serve as further ammunition to use against yourself, for example, thinking, ” I am so disorganised, I can’t even be on time.”
  3. Being late and rushing provides a distraction. For example, if you feel nervous before an event it can be easier to panic about being late rather than looking at why you feel uneasy.

Some or none of the above may apply to you, either way, the fear of being late is a long-ingrained HABIT. The good news is, as you already know, habits can be changed if you want to change them. You can be that calm, cool and collected individual who arrives five minutes early to their appointments, I know you can because I have done it myself!