A Lust For Life

Week2: Establishing a routine

Try fitting the exercise sessions around your life rather than trying to fit your life around the exercise and you’ll find that this will make it less stressful and more enjoyable. Find gaps in your schedule and fill them with exercise. Use your time wisely and if possibly you should try fit in your session at the first available opportunity as it lessens the chance of something unexpected meaning a change of plan. There are no set rules to what you do or when you do it but don’t be tempted to run everyday even if you have the available time as an excess of anything can be harmful.  Rest is an important part of the training cycle and rest days must be included as part of your routine. It might take a week or two to work out the times and days that suit you best and when you find windows of opportunity that fit into your day then claim them for you.

It might even mean sacrificing one of the Soaps or a favourite TV programme but you can always record that for later.

Note: Distances in Metres / Kilometres.

5K Beginner – Finisher
5K Intermediate – Targetting 25-35 Mins
10K Beginner – Finisher
10K Intermediate – Targetting 45-60 mins